As compared with similar products, this side-folding stair has increased tread depth for improved comfort and safer traversal. Patent pending.
The stair is custom-made to fit your space. Given required stair height (vertical distance between landings), and depth (horizontal distance between landings), the step-rise & step-run of your stair will be selected to fit these measurements.
The uppermost rise, i.e. the rise of the first step down from the upper landing, will match the rise of the other steps in the stair. To achieve this, Axiom will employ its ‘perfect-fit-max-comfort’ algorithm. This will select rise & run so that the stair will exactly fit your height and depth measurements, while optimizing rise-run comfort according to carpenter’s rules for sizing a comfortable stair.
Current price for a typical stair is $2500. Note that this is a ‘Grand Opening’ price and likely will increase once awareness of the product grows.
‘Typical stair’ here refers to a typical height and depth of ~8’ and ~6’, respectively. Stairs significantly larger or smaller than this may cost more or less. Please contact for a quote!